Now I think I'll read up on some guides on GR, I think I'll stick with Allies, seems like a well-rounded faction. I think this game is "What CnC3 should of been", agree'd?

Really the only thing I "dislike" is it's CnC3 similarity. Eco is insanely easy to manage for one but then Micro is intense which I like. I will say thought, it is one of the slightly easier RTSs I've played, which isn't a bad thing but I've managed to pick it up quite fast but maybe that's because I was a good CnC3 player at it's prime. the one with some garrison houses and a little beach in the middle with two refinerys at the top? It was alright, nothing spectular in terms of design but a hell of alot better to CnC3's 1v1 maps (My god, they were seriously awful, a green square?). I only actually played 1 map so far which was eh. Map Control is key in this game, as it should be in all RTS games I guess. Boot camp > PP > refinery > war factory > etc. Engi-Rush should be abolished in this though, or at least nerfed (got engi-rushed on my first game and was just like "Aww gawd, CnC3 dejavu"). "Rushes" don't seem to be as successful as the likes of CnC3 for a comparison, definitely a slightly-slower paced game and IMO very nicely paced. (The guy I beat tried to string ray rush me, he took out both my harvesters but managed to comeback, but only because I managed to snag a derrick and ended up winning).

I played four games, the final one I won, I've only played as Allies thus far since they were the ones I liked the look of best. Sure there's definitely some balance issues and interface lag but overall it's a great RTS so far. Finally I manged to play the beta! After overcoming numerous set-backs and errors which I've beat away.